Google To Disable Third-Party Cookies For 1% Of Chrome Users

In the online world, cookies and tracking data are used a lot to show specific ads and make the online experience personal. Google recently said they’re going to stop using third-party cookies for some Chrome users, and this has surprised and worried the industry. Google is a big player in tech, and this change is a major deal for online ads. This article looks at what this move means and what it might do to the online advertising business.

Understanding Third-Party Cookies

To understand why Google’s choice to turn off third-party cookies is a big deal, you need to know what they are and what they do on the internet. Cookies are like tiny text files that websites put on your device, and they hold information like your login details, preferences, and tracking data. There are two main kinds of cookies: ones from the website you’re on (first-party) and ones from other websites (third-party).

  • First-Party Cookies: These are set by the website the user is currently visiting and are primarily used for improving user experience, maintaining user sessions, and personalizing content.
  • Third-Party Cookies: These cookies are set by domains other than the one the user is currently visiting. They are often used for cross-site tracking, targeted advertising, and gathering data across different websites to build user profiles.

For years, third-party cookies have been instrumental in digital advertising, enabling advertisers to track users across the web, gather data on their preferences, and serve highly targeted ads.

Google’s Pivotal Role in the Digital Advertising Ecosystem

Google’s Chrome browser is used by a lot of people all over the world, so it has a big role in how online ads work. It affects how online advertising happens, and they’re doing things to make the internet safer and more private for users.

The Decision to Disable Third-Party Cookies

Back in January 2020, Google said it wanted to get rid of third-party cookies in its Chrome web browser within two years. They did this because they care about people’s privacy and want to make sure user data is safe. However, Google doesn’t want to get rid of these cookies. Instead, they want to create new ways of doing things that are better at stopping fraud and showing relevant ads. They introduced something called the “Privacy Sandbox,” which is like a new way to do what third-party cookies used to do, but in a more private and user-friendly way.

But moving from third-party cookies to something else is not easy, and Google wants to do it carefully. In March 2021, Google said they would need more time and changed the date for when they’ll stop supporting third-party cookies in Chrome to the end of 2023.

Google’s new choice to turn off third-party cookies for only 1% of Chrome users, starting in the fourth quarter of 2022, is a big step in this change. It’s like a test to see what happens and how it affects online ads. Google says this change is meant to make online activities more private and secure for users. At the same time, they want to give website owners the tools they need to keep their sites working well without needing third-party cookies.

The Impact of Complete Third-Party Cookie Blockage

Starting in the third quarter of 2024, Google is thinking about expanding the removal of third-party cookies to include all Chrome users, but they need permission from regulators to do it. This change is expected to cause big changes in how online ads work, and some people worry that it could make websites use less clear ways to track what you do online.

To make this change easier, Google is bringing in new tools called Privacy Sandbox APIs. They’re made for different things like managing who you are online, showing ads, and catching bad stuff. But we’re not sure yet how the ad world will deal with this change, and there’s some doubt about it.

The first step, which involves turning off 1% of cookies next year, is a very important time for websites, advertisers, and others in the industry. They need to check if everything works and get ready for the bigger change. Because Google is a big part of the internet, this step will be looked at very closely.

The Impact on Digital Advertising

Google’s choice to turn off third-party cookies has a big and far-reaching effect, influencing many different groups in the online advertising business.

Advertisers and Marketers:

  1. Targeting and Personalization: The use of third-party cookies for precise targeting and personalization will become increasingly challenging. Advertisers may need to explore alternative methods, such as contextual advertising and first-party data usage, to maintain relevance.
  2. Measurement and Analytics: Accurate measurement and attribution become more complicated as third-party cookies are phased out. Advertisers will need to adapt by investing in new tracking technologies and refining their analytics processes.
  3. Dependency on Walled Gardens: This shift may consolidate the power of walled gardens, such as Facebook and Google itself, as they possess vast amounts of first-party data. Advertisers may become more reliant on these platforms for targeting capabilities.


  1. Relevance of First-Party Data: Publishers may find the value of their first-party data increasing as advertisers seek alternative methods for user targeting. Building direct relationships with users and collecting valuable data may become a strategic priority.
  2. Revenue Implications: The revenue models of many publishers, particularly those reliant on programmatic advertising, may be disrupted as third-party cookies are phased out.


  1. Enhanced Privacy: For users, the phased reduction of third-party cookies means greater online privacy and protection from invasive tracking practices.
  2. Loss of Personalization: However, this comes at the cost of losing some of the personalized experiences that third-party cookies enable. Users may see more generic advertising and content as a result.

Ad Tech Companies:

  1. Innovation and Adaptation: Ad tech companies will need to innovate and adapt to the evolving landscape, developing alternative tracking and targeting solutions to remain competitive.
  2. Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with evolving data protection regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, will be crucial as the industry navigates this transition.

Privacy and User Consent Third-Party Cookies

Google turning off third-party cookies shows that people worldwide care more about keeping their online information private and safe. There are stricter rules now, like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), that make it clear how important it is to ask users if it’s okay to collect their data and to be honest about how it’s done.

As online ads change, it’s the job of advertisers and marketers to get clear permission from users before they collect data and track what people do online. They also need to explain what users will get in return for sharing their data.

Alternatives to Third-Party Cookies

The online advertising world has other options instead of using third-party cookies. There are some new technologies and ways of doing things that want to keep ads and tracking data working well, even without cookies.

  • Contextual Advertising: Advertisers can focus on the content context in which their ads appear. While less personalized, this approach can still yield positive results.
  • First-Party Data: Publishers and advertisers can leverage their first-party data to understand and engage with users directly.
  • Privacy-Preserving Technologies: Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) and other privacy-preserving technologies aim to balance personalized advertising with user privacy—these methods group users into cohorts with shared interests instead of tracking individuals.
  • Data Partnerships: Collaboration among industry players to share data responsibly and ethically may become more prevalent.

The Role of Regulation in Third-Party Cookies

The move to stop using third-party cookies isn’t just because companies are deciding on their own. It’s also because there are laws about keeping people’s data private that are making a big impact on online ads. Google’s choice to turn off these cookies is in line with these laws and shows they want to take care of people’s privacy.

As online ads change, the industry needs to pay attention to the new legal rules and adjust to the new ideas about privacy.

The Challenges of Implementation Third-Party Cookies

While noble intentions drive the phasing out of third-party cookies, the implementation poses several challenges:

  • Fragmented Ecosystem: The digital advertising ecosystem is vast and fragmented. Coordinating changes and ensuring that all players adapt to the new norms is a complex endeavor.
  • User Education: Users must be educated about the implications of this transition. Many users may not be aware of how cookies work, and their consent is vital for a privacy-centric web.
  • Technical Hurdles: Developing and implementing alternatives to third-party cookies requires substantial technical expertise and resources.

User Experience and Personalization of Third-Party Cookies

The transition away from third-party cookies will inevitably impact user experiences and personalization on the web. With the reliance on third-party cookies diminishing, both users and content creators will notice changes:

  • User Experience: Users will experience a shift towards more generic advertising and content as their online behavior becomes less traceable. While this may enhance privacy, it could also lead to a less engaging online experience for some.
  • Content Creators: Content creators, from news publishers to e-commerce websites, may find it challenging to provide. The same level of personalized recommendations and experiences have become commonplace with the help of third-party cookies.
  • Ad Relevance: Advertisers will need to focus on creating compelling, contextually relevant ads rather than relying on user tracking for targeting. This change could inspire more creativity in advertising strategies.

Third-Party Cookies: The Road Ahead

Google’s decision to turn off third-party cookies for 1% of Chrome users is only the beginning of a multi-stage transition. As the process unfolds, there are several key considerations for the future:

  • Experimentation: The impact on this small group of users will provide valuable insights into the challenges. And also as opportunities associated with the shift away from third-party cookies. Google is likely to use this data to fine-tune its alternative solutions.
  • Feedback Loop: User feedback will be crucial to understanding the implications of this change on browsing habits and privacy. It will help shape further developments in Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative.
  • Industry Collaboration: Industry stakeholders must collaborate to develop and implement alternative solutions that balance user privacy with the needs of advertisers and publishers. Open dialogue and cooperation are essential to ensure the ecosystem’s continued growth.
  • Regulatory Compliance: More countries and regions are introducing data protection regulations. Companies must be proactive in ensuring they comply with these laws. This may require additional adjustments as the landscape evolves.
  • Innovation: The digital advertising industry has a long history of adapting to changing circumstances. This transition will likely drive innovation in ad tech, including advancements in privacy-preserving technologies, data management, and advertising strategies.
  • User Consent: Users are at the heart of this transition. Their informed consent and understanding of how their data is used will be pivotal. Educating users about the benefits of privacy and the value of their data will play a crucial role in shaping the future of digital advertising.


Google’s choice to turn off cookies from other companies for 1% of Chrome users is a big deal in the world of online ads. It shows that people care more about their privacy and data safety. But it also makes things hard for advertisers, websites, and tech companies.

This change marks the start of a new time for online ads, where the industry needs to adjust to changing user wants and government rules. The move toward different ways of tracking and aiming ads, like ads that match the content and technologies that keep privacy, gives a chance for creative thinking in ad technology.

As digital ads change, companies need to work together, talk openly with users, and follow privacy rules. This will help them succeed in this shift. Even though there might be some difficulties, it also offers the chance for a more private and user-friendly digital world that respects the rights and decisions of Internet users.

FAQs Related to Third-Party Cookies

FAQ 1: Why is Google turning off third-party cookies for Chrome users?

Answer: Google’s decision to turn off third-party cookies is driven by a dual motive. First, it aims to enhance user privacy and security by reducing cross-site tracking, thus offering users a safer online experience. Second, Google seeks to introduce new standards that cater to vital needs like preventing fraud and delivering relevant advertisements.

FAQ 2: What will be the impact of this transition on digital advertising?

Answer: The phase-out of third-party cookies will necessitate a significant overhaul of how digital advertising operates. Advertisers may need to shift towards alternative methods such as contextual advertising and first-party data usage. It could also prompt websites to explore more opaque tracking methods. The changes are expected to reshape user experiences, personalization, and revenue models for both advertisers and publishers.

FAQ 3: How is Google addressing the concerns of websites and advertisers during this transition?

Answer: To mitigate the challenges posed by the removal of third-party cookies, Google is rolling out new Privacy Sandbox APIs designed for various purposes, including identity management, advertising, and fraud detection. This offers industry players tools to adapt to the evolving landscape. However, there remains a degree of uncertainty regarding the precise adaptations and innovations that will be required to thrive in the post-cookie era. The initial 1% deprecation phase is designed to provide websites, advertisers, and other stakeholders with a critical period to assess compatibility and prepare for the broader rollout.

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