Google Display Advertising For New Marketers

The field of online marketing is changing rapidly, and one platform that remains highly influential in the world of advertising is Google. Google Display Advertising, in particular, has become a popular option for marketers who want to increase their brand’s visibility and attract more customers. But for those new to marketing, understanding how to effectively use Google Display Advertising can feel daunting.

What Do Display Ads Refer To? 

In the world of online advertising, display ads (also known as banner ads) play a crucial role. These ads rely on visual elements and can be seen on various websites, apps, and social media platforms. Typically, display ads include a combination of images or visually appealing graphics along with accompanying text. The main purpose of these ads is to captivate users visually and encourage them to engage with the ad content. If you want to target specific audiences through display ads, you’ll need to work with a display ad network. While Google has its network called the Google Display Network, there are plenty of other networks to choose from as well. It’s important to note that display ads differ from paid search ad campaigns on platforms like Google Ads or other search engines mainly because of their visual nature and the platforms where they appear.


What Does The Google Display Network Entail? 

In Google AdWords, there are two main networks: the Search Network and the Display Network. While the Search Network is all about text ads appearing in search engine results, the Display Network works differently. With the Display Network, businesses can display eye-catching ads on a wide range of websites across the internet.


What Is An Instance Of Display Advertising?

Now, let’s take a closer look at how the Google Display Network works. Display ads are those attractive banner ads that you often come across on different websites that rely on advertising for support. You can see examples of these ads in the highlighted sections above and in similar posts that showcase various display ad examples. Google claims that its Display Network has an enormous reach, connecting with over 90% of internet users globally through a vast network of 2 million websites.

If you’re not quite familiar with the difference between display and search advertising, let me break it down for you. The Google Search Network is all about targeting users who actively search for something on Google’s search engine or its partner sites, which include AOL and other search partners. On the flip side, the display network takes a more passive approach to advertising. You might have already come across various display ads today, whether you were browsing through the Huffington Post or quickly going through your favorite blogs. These display ads usually come in the form of banners or small boxes that promote products or services. You may or may not have noticed them, as they are often positioned above or alongside the articles you were reading.


Mastering The Google Display Network: 5 Essential Tips

To assist you in harnessing this platform’s complete power, we have compiled a detailed collection of helpful tips and recommended strategies. By adhering to these suggestions, you can enhance the performance of your campaigns, effectively reach your intended audience, and attain the outcomes you desire.

In the realm of the display network, industry experts widely concur that giving priority to remarketing is essential. As per Mark Irvine, a renowned Paid Search Strategist, remarketing holds the key to achieving any meaningful results on the display network. In case you’re not familiar with the term, remarketing entails utilizing cookies to track and display ads to people who have previously visited your website as they browse various other websites. While it might seem a little intrusive, it’s highly effective because these individuals have already shown genuine interest in your business by taking the initiative to visit your site.

According to Caleb Hutchings, a respected Paid Search Strategist, remarketing plays a crucial role in keeping past website visitors engaged and completing the cycle of interaction. Many of you may have personally experienced successful remarketing campaigns. Caleb shares his own story of shopping for fall boots and being persistently targeted with ads for a specific pair until finally giving in and making the purchase. Remarketing significantly enhances the likelihood of conversions and is often a cost-effective advertising approach with lower CPA (cost per acquisition). It is widely regarded as the most effective way to optimize Google display ads, especially with the recent expansion of Customer Match to the Display Network. This extension allows advertisers to create remarketing lists based on email addresses, further enhancing targeting capabilities.

  • Utilize Managed Placements: Taking Control Of Display Network Advertising

Managed placements provide advertisers with a distinctive targeting approach that grants them precise control over the placement of their ads. Unlike other targeting methods like interests or topic targeting, which rely on Google’s algorithms and assumptions, managed placements give advertisers the ability to personally select the exact websites where their ads will be displayed. This level of control makes it a dependable choice for those entering the realm of Google Display Advertising. As Caleb, a Paid Search Strategist, suggests, “It’s the optimal method for maintaining control because the audience you’re targeting and conversions remain consistent, which often leads to lower costs.”

When it comes to putting this strategy into action, Mike Griffith, a Paid Search Strategist from WordStream, suggests taking a detailed approach. He recommends identifying 5-10 domains that closely match the product or service being advertised and displaying ads on those specific websites initially. If the volume of traffic is limited, you can expand the strategy to include other relevant sites as well. But how do you figure out which sites are relevant? Griffith suggests delving into the top referral sites in Google Analytics to gather valuable insights and make well-informed decisions about the managed placements.

  • Let Your Budget Guide Your Display Network Success

When it comes to Google Display Advertising, determining a budget requires thoughtful consideration, especially considering the extensive reach of the display space, which reaches over 90% of daily users in the U.S., as highlighted by Mark Irvine. He recommends starting with a modest budget that allows for comfortable testing and experimentation.

Caleb stresses the importance of budget allocation when launching a new display campaign. For example, if you have a carefully selected list of managed placements, it is advised to allocate a significant portion of your budget to that particular campaign. Additionally, by organizing different placements into separate ad groups, you can allocate more funds to the ad groups that generate the highest returns.

After successfully launching a campaign or ad group that delivers impressive results, the next logical step is to increase the budget. Mark provided an example of a client who managed to scale their remarketing campaign from $1,000 per month to a whopping $50,000 per month, all while maintaining a great return on investment (ROI). In the travel industry, another client experienced such outstanding outcomes with display advertising that they decided to discontinue their search campaigns and allocate those funds towards expanding their reach in Google Display Advertising. Mark explains, “Remarketing and display advertising is fantastic because once you discover the right formula, you can invest more money and generate even higher returns. Your potential reach becomes virtually limitless.”

  • Embrace Diverse Ad Formats: Display Network

You may have doubts about creating ads in all available formats, questioning whether it’s worth the time and resources. After all, if image ads generally perform better than text ads, why bother with text ads at all? While these concerns are valid, the consensus among experts at WordStream is clear: having ads in every format is essential because certain websites only support specific formats. As Mark advises, including text ads is a wise decision, reserving judgment until later. Some placements may only accept text ads, and these sites can vary from lower-quality ones to major platforms like Pandora. By being present in all formats, you increase your exposure at a discounted rate, especially if you’re the only advertiser using a particular format. Caleb suggests leveraging image and text ads but organizing them into separate ad groups. Text ads are often displayed more frequently, but image ads have the power to resonate with viewers and convey a more compelling story.

  • Create Compelling And Visual Ads: Display Network

Upon initial observation, this tip may appear obvious and unexciting. However, an astonishing 67.5% of ads on the display network are plain text ads, despite their lower click-through rates when compared to image ads. WordStream founder Larry Kim conducted a study that revealed this surprising statistic. This realization highlights the importance of including text ads in your display campaigns while recognizing that image ads are crucial. Sergey emphasizes the significance of creating ads that are simple, visually appealing, and easy to read. Image ads are particularly effective in visually captivating industries like travel, where the destination itself can effectively sell the experience. However, even B2B companies can achieve success with image ads. Sergey shares an example of a client who tested a banner ad featuring a “Download Now” image that directly linked to a product page. This visually engaging format outperformed the plain text ads and significantly increased lead generation for the company.

  • Put Your Google Display Advertising To The Test

Just like you wouldn’t go into an exam without studying or dive into a pool without knowing how to swim, the same rule applies to your Google display ad campaigns. It’s essential to thoroughly test all your campaigns to gather valuable insights and data about your target audience. As mentioned before, even a few clicks and conversions can provide valuable information that will help you optimize your campaigns effectively.


Google Display Advertising

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